Monday, October 10, 2011

Praying for strength

As Addie gets closer to turning two, I have officially started her preschool search. There are a few schools in town that have been highly recommended by friends that are on my list to visit. I called one today and was warmly greeted and as we were about to set up my visit, I mentioned that Addie has Down Syndrome. The receptionist stopped the visit talk and said it would be best for me to talk to the owner/director.  I hope that I misunderstood her pause and shift in conversation.  I try to remain optimistic as I await her call.

I have been through this before with one other school,  but I did not expect it today. My heart was again broken by the stereotypes that are placed on my daughter. I remember looking for schools for Tyler and feeling that they were selling themselves to me and now I feel the opposite. Why should I have to sell them on accepting my daughter? She is perfectly created and there is so much more to her than just her 47th chromosome. Perhaps these people who do not feel equipped to teach Addie have never met someone with Down Syndrome because if they have, I am positive they would feel differently. I know that if they met my Addie, they would love her just as we do.

As I continue this search for the perfect school for Addie, I pray for the strength of a warrior. I know I am in for a fight but I know Addie deserves to go to a "regular" preschool as much as any other kid and I know she will succeed. I just want someone to give her a chance and I promise they will not be disappointed.

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