Sunday, July 24, 2011

My one

Two weeks ago, Jeff and I attended a great friends' wedding in Lake Tahoe. How lucky we were to spend 4 beautiful days together! It was strange to be without our kids, but I must say that sightseeing in San Francisco and laying on the beaches of South Lake Tahoe more than kept us occupied. We talked and were actually able to listen to each other without someone crying, spilling something or needing one of us. It was a wonderful chance for us to reconnect, so thank you JR and Wendy for a great time!

It was very hard to leave the kids. My parents volunteered to watch them at our house, which made me feel so much better. I think any Mom has a hard time handing her kids over to anyone, but I felt it was especially hard with Addie. When I was pregnant with her, I thought about who would babysit her and be able to learn all the things that she needed, other than Jeff and I. Well, I have to say that I found "My One"... My Mom. She comes to visit us once a month (sometimes more) to see the kids, help me and be part of Addie's therapies. She is involved, tries to come up with new and more exciting ways for Addie to learn and loves, loves, loves my kids! Not to mention the fact that while she is teaching Addie and playing with Tyler, she is also cooking, cleaning and organizing things I never have time to do. She is a Supermom. She celebrates with me, laughs with me and cries with me. She knows when I am overwhelmed and steps right in. I have found my one and I will never forget how lucky I am to have her.

Addie had PE tubes put in her ears right after we returned from Tahoe. She had a moderate hearing loss because of the fluid in her ears and we were excited to get the tubes in. We are hoping this will help her imitate and make some new sounds. She had anesthesia in April during a tear duct surgery and everything went perfectly. This time, her heart rate went way down for a few minutes and they had to give her emergency meds to get it back up. The doctors said they had anticipated this because of her heart issues. I knew she had more of a chance to have difficulty with anesthesia, but I was devastated. I know that she was okay within a few minutes, but it was MY baby laying on that table, MY baby that was in danger. I think this incident and the fact that she visits with her Cardiologist soon are bringing up a lot of old feelings. The holes in her heart are closing and she will not need major open heart surgery, but her heart issues still effect her.  I am forever scarred by the thoughts of waiting for her to go into heart failure as a 5 pound piece of innocence. I am thankful every day for her improving health. But, I sure do hate the reminders that she still does have special health concerns. My sweet angel just doesn't deserve any of it.

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