Monday, June 13, 2011


People always seem to want to know if we knew Addie had Down Syndrome before she was born. I am often afraid that people are asking because they assume I would not have wanted her had I known "the truth". The truth is, we did know she had Down Syndrome and loved and wanted her as much as we wanted our Tyler. I remember getting the phone call from genetic counselor saying that she did in fact have Trisomy 21. At first I could saying nothing but "okay" and then she quickly asked if my husband and I had talked about what we like to do. That was the moment when my Mommy claws came out. I told her we were obviously keeping our baby. I suppose to her and the rest of the world, that decision was not so obvious. Considering the fact that 92% of babies with a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome are aborted. Yes, I said 92%... sickening. Since that phone call, I have not stopped being extra protective of my girl. I also know that as the Mom, I have a very important job to do. And my job is to teach her that she is perfect just the way she is. So, when people choose to stare at us at the grocery store, I choose to teach Addie to smile and wave at them. 

Being the Mom of a child with special needs can be overwhelming at times and I so often pray that the world will view her just as her brother does. He says, "She is just so beautiful, why can't I marry Addie"? She is perfect in his eyes. This morning was one of those overwhelming mornings that everything seemed to go wrong. Addie didn't take a morning nap, I was exhausted, Tyler was bored and wanted to get to the playground, the juice spilled all over my bag... etc.  Then, a moment that I have been praying for happened. We were playing at the playground and a little girl with Down Syndrome came over with her Mom and brother. It so happens that the Mom is involved in a monthly meet up for families like ours. This is what I have been waiting for. To get involved, to not feel alone, to have friends to go to with questions about schools, doctors and therapists.  Oh, my excitement! I wanted to get up and hug her right there! Sitting at the picnic bench with her and her beautiful children made my day not seem overwhelming at all. I was just a regular Mom. 

1 comment:

  1. So excited that you are blogging! Now we can really catch up with each other!
