Thursday, August 11, 2011

Best News Ever!!!

Today went to visit with her Cardiologist. I have been nervous for weeks. Before I left to take Addie to her appointment, we prayed as a family and Tyler placed his little hand over her heart. What an amazing boy he is!

Addie was born with 2 moderate holes in her heart (ASD and VSD). They caused severe pulimonory hypertension. We were actually told to "wait for signs of heart failure". Talk about devastating. Our goal was to get her big enough to be able to survive such an invasive surgery. Then one day, we went in for her regular EKG and Echo. When the doctor came in and said that she was getting better and that she did not need to see us for 6 months, I seriously was in disbelief. How could a child whose heart was so sick just become well? I believe it was the vigilent prayers of our family, friends and amazing supporters. I was amazed by God's healing power, but I knew we were not totally out of the woods yet.

This time last year, she was doing very well and we knew she would not need major "Open Heart Surgery". There was potential for her to need a heart catheterization to fix her ASD, that is what we were waiting to hear about today. As we waited to have her EKG and Echo today, I met a Mom whose son had already had 2 major heart surgeries and would need at least 2 more. He went into heart failure 3 weeks ago. He was only 3 months old. My heart broke as I sat there and listened to her tell their story. I realized that even if Addie's ASD needed to be fixed it would be relatively minor and she would be fine. I knew we were the lucky ones.

Then, came the news I have been waiting to here. She is PERFECT! She is HEALTHY! She will NEVER, not EVER need heart surgery of any kind! No catheterization, nothing!!! She was cleared for 2 years and the tiny holes that remain in her heart will never affect her. I cannot contain my excitement and tears. I am nothing short of amazed right now. How blessed we are that God chose to heal our daughter!